Monday, July 22nd, 2024

Things to come in the future

Haha, welcome back. I don't write here much but I'd like to say that I'm gonna be updating my website. Some pages I made look absolutely abbhorent (and rushed for that matter), and I really didn't like how small I designed the website to be. Who still uses 800x600 anyways??? Anyways, enough website talk aside, on to the real stuff!

My little Half-Life mod is seeing a little bit of progress. I've gotten a new hud in thanks to one of my buddies, a crude fist weapon is fully functional, and I've added a Ghetto-Grip mode to the Glock. I've also been working on a Half-Life 2 weapons pack for Quake, but progress on that will stagnate for the time being. you can blame gta 3 for the reason my progress has been so slow :)


Saturday, June 1st, 2024


ok, so remember how i revamped my website to have a purple theme? well, me being the perfectonist i am, i decided to completely scrap the purple theme in favor of a teal theme! i thought it would take me a few days to redo my website but i was extremely wrong... everything got in my way so i couldn't work on my website for a while, and well, i'm really bad at finishing things. but now that i'm all freed up, i present to you, my new website!!!!!!!!!

i will admit tho, some things are kinda empty, especially the art galleires and the archive, but i plan to fill those pages up with more information soon. But right now, i'm pretty proud of the progress i have!

anyways, bye for now visitors!

yours truly,


Sunday, January 7th, 2024


Ok, I am back. After a long period of silence, I live again. I finally finished the renovation I have been planning for 4 month. Nice isnt it? Granted, theres some things that need to be taken care of, like the lack of pages, but it's alot nicer than the old layout. I have also added new sections that include information about me, catergories about artworks, and my ramblings about videogames I play. regarding my activity on this website, you will probably see me use this a little bit, but I like to think of this website as more of a showcase, with a main focus on art. Speaking on art, I have attached pictures below this text showing what this website looked like a few months ago, verus a wip laoyut, and now.

my old dull and grey website design from like 2023
my wip new website design
my website right now :)))))

i hope you enjoyed looking at this strange face of the internet, as much as i did while making this. good bye from now, have fun on your web-adventures.

happy post new year
